It was a nice sunny evening so me and my friend decided to go and test the new frisbee golf course that has recently been built in the nearby park. It isn"t very long (only about 450 meters total) and not much obstacles so it took only about half an hour to complete. Nice addition to the park anyway.
Today I went driving with my car and wondered the weird noise coming from the car and stopped to look what was wrong.. Flat tyre. I took it off and found the problem quite soon; there was a 7 cm long nail stuck on it. What a nice day. :)
I ran a full test on the front page at so it tested and uploaded the view of the webpage on 61 different web browsers. The screenshots looked very good and the page shows up like it should on about 90% of all the browsers (the last 10% were very old or just not compatible with standards). I also tested the page with links myself and it works well with it too ;)